Does it mean that its OK for honest people to get killed trying to do their job?
Or does it mean that is OK to helplessly watch as philistines roam free, pillage, plunder and rob?
Does it mean that its OK that voices against injustice are mercilessly muted?
Or to casually speak of scams over tequila shots and lament a nation being "notionally" looted?
Does it mean that its OK for the guilty to go scot free just because they are powerful?
Or does it mean that its OK for thousands to starve, while some always have a mouthful?
Does it mean that we shamelessly litter streets and spit on side-walks
Or jump red lights, cut corners and scream "India rocks!!"
Does it mean that its OK for hundreds to get slaughtered in the name of religion?
Or does it mean its OK for justice to be denied as our courts take years to make a decision?
Does it mean that its OK to live with inadequate power and roads riddled with pot-holes ?
Or does it mean that we dont give a damn about what we achieve, and go on setting goals?
Does it mean that we always have to grease palms, to get what we deserve?
Or does it mean that its OK for our "system" to work against those it was meant to serve?
Does it mean that its OK for us to still be called a corrupt third world nation?
Or does it mean that we learn to adjust, no matter how bad the situation
These are but some of the questions, I can think of many
If you ask me for answers, let me be honest, I havent anyThere are no easy solutions, I know, if change has to come it will be at a cost
But come it will, and come it must, before all is lost